Connecting people with their community
Providing a vital link between individual needs and community resources in Maroochydore
Deductable Gift Recipient status means all financial donations $2 or more are Tax Deductable
Upcoming events…
The Objects of the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre Inc:
“To provide benevolent relief to disadvantaged members of the community, specifically in the Maroochydore area and surrounds, including those experiencing poverty, distress, homelessness, disability, drug or alcohol adiction, domestic or family violence, sickness or mental health concerns, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Cultural and Linguistic Diverse Backgrounds.”
Membership of the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre is open to everyone in the community. We are often seeking volunteers to assist with our programs and services. If you would like to get involved, please get in contact with us.
Our Programs & Services
Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre offers a variety of programs and services for the benefit of the community, including:
Family Support Programs
Community Development Programs
An Opportunity Shop
Room Hire for Community & Commercial Groups
Community Garden
One Roof Project
Urban Farm
Room & Commercial Kitchen Hire
Rooms at the Centre are available for hire at a reasonable rate, from 9 am to 10pm, seven days a week.
All rooms are air-conditioned, have access to kitchen and toilet facilities, fully furnished, and Wheelchair accessible.
Plenty of parking is also available.